Tuesday 30 August 2011

How To Become A Bodyguard

The first and most important requirement for physical fitness to become a bodyguard. However, depending on the environment you are in work, education, experience, and may have additional requirements such as the ability to compete. Bodyguards assigned to different types of personalities are different classes, so their needs vary too. Almost all of the prerequisites are the same: strong personality, good interpersonal skills and ability to deal with enemies. Is extremely challenging life of a bodyguard.be able to manage intellectual property, if it goes out of control.many enemies. Bodyguard acquisition of skills to fight the enemy in demanding conditions. Self-preservation is also important. Before taking the role as a bodyguard, you have security such as Krav Maga training should be trained in any of the popular forms. These skills through training, physical strength and mental control will help you deal with the acquisition of any dangerous situations. In addition, you also guns, knives and pistols must be prepared to handle such weapons. Martial arts such as Krav Maga courses require you to give training to qualify for a bodyguard job. After completing training, Security Industry Authority (SIA) will be certified by. Certification to confirm that you meet the requirements of any type of personality to become a bodyguard. Highly promising in terms of monetary benefits for a bodyguard job, but it is equally challenging. A strong desire to become a bodyguard and requires courage. You decided to become a bodyguard should not be based on mere monetary profit. Rather, it it should be based on the determination to take challenging task. For sure, you will reap benefits as well. Being a bodyguard of a prominent public figure, you will earn a lot of accolades awarded to 100 percent dedication you show your work.

I was a kid I was protected. I was the eldest of four brothers and my mother was always telling me "look after my brothers." Every day before we left home, she will whisper in my ear those words, it was like a mantra.And a family of boys being kidnapped we were playing games and military games.

Looking back, my whole life has been training me for my work, I can not imagine working in a different area, it is natural for me is a bodyguard. Is only one thing that could possibly be any more natural and being my brother's bodyguards (but they are not famous enough yet!)

I was not the youth's academic and after school I joined the army. Force was great, I get out too much after 3 years and I wanted to do something by yourself, but enjoyed every aspect. I already knew I wanted to be a bodyguard.

Bodyguard Training was very easy for me with my military background, but there were still a lot of things to learn, especially the strategy.

The main difference between my bodyguard work force and being a bodyguard is almost entirely preventative work while the army is the most active. There is a lot more independent analysis bodyguard work and sometimes we have to work to monitor, which I find particularly interesting.

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